Artist Spotlight - FynePr1nt Williams

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HarmoNNY is excited to announce our June Artist Spotlight, FynePr1nt Williams, a local musician who specializes in message-driven, clean hip-hop music. FynePr1nt chose his name because he wanted to encourage people to take a moment  to read the ‘fine print’ and really get to know the people and community around you. “When you really focus in on those details about that person, then you learn about them.” 

FynePr1nt is originally from Houston, TX and has been many places around the world due to his time in the military. He comes from a family of four older sisters. His interest in music and hip hop began at a young age when his oldest sister began rapping and he would tag along. FynePr1nt gets inspiration for his music from his favorite rapper, Tupac. 

FynePr1nt tries to uplift people with his music. He wants to show people that hip-hop music can be a beautiful inspirational thing. FynePr1nt has created the project “Fine Fridays,” where he releases a video on Fridays on YouTube that features an inspirational or self-help message. FynePr1nt’s style is unique as he does not write his lyrics down, it is all based on memorization. This gives him the freedom to create anywhere as he can write without being hindered by paper. 

Along with creating music, FynePr1nt is an active volunteer in the Watertown community assisting at the Victims Assistance Center, the Alliance for Better Communities, and the Teen Center. FynePr1nt’s involvement in volunteer activities goes along with the message that his music portrays, that of caring for people and wanting to help people out. “If you’re not trying to make something better, what are we doing with our days?” FynePr1nt shared that he enjoys the small town vibe of Watertown, NY because you can easily get to know people and create connections. He also appreciates that local radio stations such as Tunes 92.5 feature local artists. 

“Be yourself” is FynePr1nt’s advice for any artist. Doing this can be scary, but he believes that “you get so much more of a reward back within yourself when you say ‘I created this, it’s all me, it’s what’s in my heart.’” FynePr1nt shared that “[He has] never been happier creating because [he is] doing exactly what [he] wants to do.” 

FynePr1nt is currently working on an album that he hopes to release by November 2021. In the meantime, to find out more about FynePr1nt and his music, follow him on social media and check out his music on YouTube.


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